3TV (Music Videos and Live Peformances, Film)

Submit either video or audio of your original work.  Be sure to submit an accompanying cover letter with your poems.  If you submit audio-only, also submit a bio, and the lyrics of the work if it has lyrics. If sending video or film please make sure it's appropriate for all audiences. We prefer  SoundCloud, Vimeo, or youtube platforms, but will accept MOV. MP4. WAV as well.

Please see our general guidelines below.

  • We publish human interest stories, relevant pieces, or work that pertains to mental health and art in any way.
  • All submitted pieces must include a brief biography. Don’t worry about sending us all the places you’ve ever been published; we’re more interested in you than your resume!
  • We do not accept simultaneous submissions. We want exclusive work from you!
  • Including a photo of yourself (the author) is not required, but it’s great for us to have one on hand if we choose to publish your piece.
  • We do not accept content that is explicitly pornographic in nature. Please note that we do not consider nudity or generally sexual content to be pornographic!
We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.